
Content is Queen with Holly Tanella

Interview by:  
Shanalie Wijesinghe
Published on
September 10, 2024

In this episode...

Join us for an inspiring chat with Michelle Saunders James, the creative force behind Saunders & James. Michelle shares her journey from starting out as a manicurist at Chanel boutiques to becoming a top-tier nail expert for A-list celebrities and high-end fashion brands like Versace, Louis Vuitton, and Saint Laurent.

Michelle shares the innovative strategies that have set her apart in luxury nail care, including her bold move to open a rental nail salon alongside her thriving employee-based one. Her life story is a must-listen for anyone passionate about beauty and business. Don’t miss this one!



I found a cute little place to rent. And two days before, like, I'm moving in all my stuff, my dad goes, "Hey… um… I thought about it more, and I just… I don't feel good about giving you the loan. No, I'm not going to cosign anymore." And my heart was just like, "Oh, what?" I'm like, "Dad, I'm locked into this lease."


You're like, "it's already happening."


He's just like, "sorry, figure it out."


You're listening to Last Client of the Day, presented by Boulevard. My name is Skya Jones and I'm so excited to introduce to our guest, Holly Tanella who is an award-winning esthetician, educator, and content creator; known for  her ASMR facials. Holly has been an esthetician since 2014. She has spoken across the country with brands like Hydrafacial, Aesthetic Biomedical, and ICES, while also building a personal brand amassing a following of over 2.4 million followers across TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.


This episode is brought to you by Boulevard – today’s listeners can save 10%. To claim your special offer, head over to joinblvd.com/podcast. That’s joinblvd.com/podcast.


Hello, everybody. Thank you so much for tuning in. We have such an exciting episode today with the amazing Holly Tanella. I am so excited to sit down and learn more about you, learn about your med spa and all of the amazing knowledge you have. So why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself? 


Aww, first of all, thank you guys so much for having me on. This is such a fun– like who knew? I was like, "hey Boulevard." And you guys were like, "Hey!" I'm like, "what?" 


Yeah, we love it! 


And so dream come true, right? Yeah. About me I'm a licensed esthetician for ten years and I have five children. I have a husband. My children range anywhere from 12 to 4. I literally run a circus. I have three other businesses. Yeah. I don't sleep. 


You're superhuman! Basically. Supermom. Superwoman. 


Or crazy? One of the two. 


I mean…


They kinda go hand-in-hand.  


Yeah, yeah, you got to have both. You got to have both. Keep it fun and keep it interesting.


I've had my medspa for ten years as well, I specialize in pigmentation. 




I've actually won Skin Games, which is an international skin competition. And I won it twice. 


Yeah, you're world renowned.


I'm a Hydrofacial Master. And I actually teach in that program on pigmentation. So I am a Vivace ambassador as well. I'm a trainer for them. I'm also a brand ambassador for the I-PEEL and SkinPen, like, the list goes on. I love educating my industry.


Yeah, a wealth of knowledge and education.


I think the biggest thing that I've known for now is going to be ASMR. So, I fell into ASMR doing facials and putting people to sleep about two years ago. And that's where I really started to blow up on social media. 


Well, it's such a trendy sensation, especially through social media, but also for the client experience aspect of it. What made you want to get into the med spa space in the first place?


Medspa really wasn't my first game I wanted to get into, I just wanted to help people with their skin. My sisters and brother all struggled with acne all over their face, chest and back and I never understood why. Like, why can't doctors help you? And it turns out it was a lot to do with their diet. But doctors don't really go into that. They just focus on medication. And so when I started doing research for them, I was actually able to help clear their acne. And then I found the passion there from skin.I actually worked for my mother in law. 


I love that. 


Ehhh… no, nuh-uh.


No. Not fun?


It's rough out there. Okay? She helped me in so many ways. But also, like, it didn't end well. We don't talk anymore. 


It's hard to work with family. It's hard to live with them and hard to work for them


It's very hard. But that journey and that story is what brought me to here. Because if it went perfect with her, I would still be working with her, and I wouldn't have started my own practice.


Yeah, for it forced you to grow. 


Yeah, it forced me to grow. So I started my own place with only eight clients. I wasn't able to get a loan. And then my dad finally was like, “hey, I'll cosign for you.” I found a cute little place to rent. And two days before, like, I'm moving in all my stuff, my dad goes, "Hey… um… I thought about it more, and I just… I don't feel good about giving you the loan. No, I'm not going to cosign anymore." And my heart was just like, "Oh, what?" I'm like, "Dad, I'm locked into this lease."


You're like, "it's already happening."


He's just like, "sorry, figure it out." And so I did. And which is crazy because I had eight really, really great clients. My loan that I needed was $20,000 and I just remember God saying, like, you don't need a loan, I'm going to be your loan. And so within two days of opening my place, I made $10,000. 


Oh my. 


Like, my clients – I just like sold packages. And they were like, "let's go". 


They were bought in. 


I opened in September. By the time November rolled around the end of November, my client started asking for Hydrafacial, like Holly, "when are you going to get a Hydrafacial?" This was in 2015 when Hydrafacial wasn’t really a thing. 


Hydrafacial wasn't on the market. 


Yeah, I was just, like, starting out. Some clients at the first place I worked at, they had a Hydrafacial. And then when I turned on my own, they were like, we want this again. I’m like guys, this is the $30,000 machine. 


It's a huge investment. 


This is like a really nice luxury car. There's no way I can afford this. I was like, "you know what?" I'm going to call Hydrafacial. Maybe towards the end of the year they might be having some type of deal. And if I can just get my foot in the door, that would be great. So I call him and they're like, yeah, we can set you up on a payment plan. So I’m like “great!” But he said we just need $6,000 down. I’m like uh, $6,000 dollars?!3


You're like, 'that's a lot" 


It is a lot! And I just was like, okay, if I can get my VIP clients to commit to doing, like a really nice package for me, I'll do it because I know I can make the monthly payments after that. Within the day, I had the money. 




Which is crazy. Because I opened in September. By the end of December, I had everything that I wanted and my suite paid off and I was halfway through already paying off my Hydrafacial. And within six months of opening my practice, I actually had to hire another person because I was so busy. It was insane. And I actually bought the suite next door to me.




And then, about a year and a half later, I took on another suite and then three years later, I was like, I need to have a bigger location. And this also was in the time where Dermaplaning is like a gray area in Texas. So they were like, if you're going to keep doing Dermaplaning and microneedling, you need to have a medical director. I was like, oh my gosh. Like I could maybe give up Microneedling. But dermaplaning that's just like skin crack. I'm going to use all my clients if I don't provide it.


Everybody wants it. 


So that's my journey on becoming a medspa, was so I could do Dermaplaning.


That's full circle though, because dermaplaning you think of as not invasive and not really like medical in terms, but it is that gray area.


Yes it totally is a gray area. So I called the Texas board—


yeah. Like, how can I get around this? 


I called the state board, medical board and they were like, no one knows. Yeah.


It's such a, we always say it's like the wild, wild west in medical esthetics because it's this weird transition between medical and esthetics, and it's kind of this undiscovered territory where everyone's kind of just figuring it out as we go, especially in states like Texas or Idaho. That is amazing though. That's like such a beautiful transition from being like, I don't know if I'm going to get a loan and be able to open to just having explosive success that quickly. 


Yeah, it was a wild journey. And I think that for those of you guys listening, it may be hard and doors might be closing, but if it's meant to be, those doors are going to open and maybe you might think, hey, I have to go this route to get to where I'm supposed to be. But that's not always true. You can go sideways, or take the unbeaten path, and you’ll get where you’re supposed to be going, if that's where you're supposed to be in life.


It's so unique. Everyone in business ownership has such a unique path. I don't think that there's really one way to go about it that you have – you have to do it this way or you're not going to be successful? I think everyone figures it out from the hardships or the experiences they have, and they just shift and make their own kind of path from that. I love that you are so you have so many hands in different things. You own multiple businesses. You're a mom. How do you balance that? And like how when getting started, did you balance being a mom a wife, having all of these different things with opening a business? 


I did it for a long time. Yeah, and still, it's a challenge, but I learned that wherever I'm at, it’s important to be fully present. So if I'm working, be fully present and work mode. I'm with my kids. The phones go away. I stay fully present with them. Am I perfect at this? Absolutely freaking not. Okay. 


None of us are. 


I'm still going to try my best to remain cautious with them. You know? Also, with my kids, that's probably one of the things that I have to sacrifice the most is my time with them, when they were younger, because I was building my business. My husband, when we were, when we first met, he was going through chiropractic school and his parents got a really bad, really bad divorce when we were first married. He ended up getting super depressed, dropped out of chiropractic school. That's when I decided I was going to go to aesthetic school, because he didn't really know what he was going to do with his life. And I'm like, well, I'm going to figure out some way to provide for us and how to provide for our family, if you're in a transition where you don't know. So I had a baby, our second child, he was only one month old and I went to aesthetics school.




It's a sixth month program. I graduated in three months because I was able to stay, like, all hours of the day. I was breastfeeding, and they would make fun of me because they would hear my breast pump in the treatment room, but I was determined. I'm like, hey, the fastest I can get out of here, the faster I can go into my career and start providing for my family. And so I missed out on my second born, him being a little baby and like, that makes me so sad. But I know that was the sacrifice that I had to make. And it was worth it in the end. 


Totally. Well, and it's that hard work and determination that lets you be where you are today and let you finish school so much earlier than you would have. I think it's always a constant battle of trying to balance life and work, especially when you're a business owner, because your work becomes your life so much and so it's so hard to set those boundaries of like not picking up the phone when you're home and looking at, okay, who's trying to get in, who's scheduling, what's going on on social media, who's responding to stuff. 


Thankfully, I do have a manager, and that was the best thing I ever did in my business was get a manager, to deal with all the mundane stuff of the business because I just don't simply have the time anymore. And not to mention, I'm not good with my employees. Like, I just believe the best in everybody. So, I’m like Oprah Winfrey when hiring, I’m like “you get a job, and you get a job.” And then I'm like, oh, who do I hire I don't know.


Yeah. You have to have someone that balances out the parts of the personality that you might not have. So if you're super empathetic and you're like, I just love everybody. You almost have to have somebody that's a little bit more like, okay, I'm going to come in and set the rules and it's going to be this way or the highway type of thing. It's definitely, I think, from all of the businesses that we work with and that I've seen, it's like, let the experts do their thing and you do what you're passionate about and good at. And that's I think, how everyone feels the most fulfilled and what they do.




So you're a very big presence on social media. You're definitely an influencer in the industry. How do you think social media has impacted the medspa industry?


Bringing more awareness to service for clients. 



One thing that changed a lot for me is bringing, presenting my services in an ASMR format. Where people enjoy watching my content to go to sleep, but yet they're watching it to get educated on what's out there and how they can help their skin.


100%. I mean I think back to when Real Self was like the first version of social media for learning about cosmetic services. And you would go and see people's professional before and afters. But other than that there wasn't a huge way for people to see what services were available. It was all like word of mouth. So I feel like now we see so many varying types of clients coming in asking for services like, oh, I really want this peel, or I want this Hydrafacial. And I think that social media and the type of content that you create is really what brings that.


Thank you. I think it's really cool that social media has been able to catapult different businesses like HydraFacial or different chemical peels, or getting microneedling done. Instead of having billboards out there or being in magazines or commercials. Your consumers are able to have that knowledge so much faster. And so having more consumer awareness for that service is really helpful for business owners.


Do you see with social media and kind of the trends right now that people coming in like following skincare regimens from influencers that don't have education on products or they maybe don't understand the actual ingredients, do you see that come up a lot? 


I know that is a really big thing. But I have not actually experienced that with my practice and I want to say maybe because I feel that people that come to me are already more educated, or that they are not, and they want to be, and they're coming to see me because they see me as an expert. Totally. A lot of times on my forums, I like to put in like, what are you here for? Are you here for a relaxing facial? A skin correction? Or do you want a whole new regimen? Like what do you want? And they'll tell me I'm here for a whole new regimen, and I can't wait to change my skin. And so I don't see a lot of, oh well Kylie Jenner is doing this, like I don't get that in my practice. 


They're coming because you're the expert and they just want to learn from you. That's beautiful. That's like the perfect type of client that we all want as service providers. It's a lot of hard work to build that.


It’s hard work to get that and social media does not happen overnight for a lot of people. 


This episode is brought to you by Boulevard — the modern, easy-to-use client experience platform that delivers everything you need to streamline your business, empower your staff, and amaze your clients. Listeners can save 10% for tuning into this episode. To learn more, go to joinblvd.com/podcast. Boulevard - make every moment matter.


How did you get into social media? Was ASMR the kind of precipice for that to push you into that? 


No actually, I only discovered ASMR about two years ago.


I've been doing social media for about seven years now. And I would draw up content and like and I would keep going. And I knew that social media was a way to grow. It's like the lowest hanging fruit to be able to grow my business. And so I had a social media manager, I had people doing content for me, but it never really stuck. I think was because it wasn't fully me. And so what I learned when Covid happened, Covid changed everything for me and my business. When my business closed down, all I had was myself, my knowledge and my family. I wasn't treating anymore. And my husband, he is, he's literally my angel, but he is my go to – whatever I need. I call my husband. He is our CEO 


That's amazing.


During that time, I was like, what are we going to do? I was pregnant with my fourth child. And I was like, we have to figure out something because what are we going to do? And I was like, babe, I need you to make a website. He's like, “I don’t know how to make a website. But I'll learn. I'll learn on YouTube.” So he did. He made a little Shopify website. We were able to put up all of our products online. And within a week I started talking about skincare and showing myself showing my education and showing my family. And when I started showing up online consistently, showing up and giving out free information and helping people to relate more to me and sharing my life, that's when I really started to start to grow on social media, because yeah, I was not growing before that. It was like a little turtle growth, you know? You're paying for growth, but you're not getting there because you're not producing the content. When I went back to my treatment room, we were able to actually start our business again. I had to hire four more aestheticians. 


Wow. So it was like exponential growth from that social media. 


And then we were also still selling products online. So when I went back to my treatment room, I felt like I was double dipping because I was still making money from our online store. And I was like, oh my God, yes. And so that's when I really started to get addicted to social media. I was like this has changed everything. I got to 17K, and couldn't grow past it. It just something on 

Instagram. Instagram's a hard little beast. Yeah. 


There's a lot of different algorithms and it's very complex. 


Yes. And I didnt’ understand then. And I also wasn't posting as frequently. Now, knowing what I know now, I would tell my younger self, post every day. One of my other clients recommended me to do some ASMR. She was like, hey, you should do ASMR. I was like, “Isn't that like eating food?” She was like, “I mean, ASMR can be anything. It's just the sound of something. Just do a facial and don't talk”. And I was like, well, I basically do that every day. 


You mean like my job? 


So I just do my job and film it. And she was like, “Yeah just tap on Bottles” Oh, okay, I can do that. Yeah. So I did it. And the first post that we post on TikTok of ASMR, we got 6 million views overnight. It was insane. We posted another one like that. And again, another 6 million views. And then I posted my son, I gave him a facial and it was ASMR, but it was mainly just him being like his ten year old little self and he asked so many questions, and that one, it just blew up. It now has like almost 40 million views.


It just went viral. 


Just in one day I gained like 50,000 followers. It felt like I hit the lottery. I was like this is insane.

From there, it started to blow up. And now I'm almost at 2 million on TikTok, and my TikTok account is what feeds a lot of my other accounts. It started to help my Instagram growth and then it started to help my YouTube growth Now it's actually crazy, when you're consistent with anything, like, you could produce sh*t content and you will still grow as long as you're sharing something every day. 


Yeah, it's just about keeping that audience engaged, feeding them content…. 


And it’s also finding something that you're known for. When people close their eyes, they have to be like, Boho Medspa. They think ASMR. Skincare. It has to be niche. It can't be overly broad. You found that niche market and stay in that lane. And what's crazy is if I produce content outside of my niche, it doesn't perform well. And actually the algorithm punish me because the rest of my videos go to trash. And then I have to gain back trust. Do you have a boyfriend? Or partner?




Imagine if your partner, you came home one day and they were just totally irate. You're like, they just turn into a different person and you're like, wait, who are you? What is going on? And then the next week they're totally back to normal again. You're like, wait, what happened to you? You have to rebuild trust again. That's how the algorithms view you. They're like, hey, what are you doing? This is not you. Why are you acting like this? It is wild. So if I want to do anything new, or introduce anything new to my audience, it has to be my same format of somebody on the table. 


That makes sense, though, because that's what's keeping them engaged. And that's what they recognize is, it's like brand awareness or brand recognition. They're like, okay, this is Holly. This is Boho Spa. This is what they see as familiar to you. 


So whatever content that you find that pops up for you, keep producing content like that. And then that's where the algorithms will start to know you as. And that's when you start to build a following.


I think that's so key, especially in today's world of even just social media a lot of the time.

It's hard for people to feel truly authentic, like themselves. They feel like they're trying to maintain an image. But really, what consumers or you andI, when we look at Instagram, it’s like, we just want to see people's lives. Like we just want to see them and what they have to offer, whether it's knowledge or experience, cool pictures, whatever it may be. That authenticity goes a long way with consumers. Or clients, audiences, whatever it may be,


I love that.


Tell me, we have a segment called the good, the bad, the ugly. If you had to choose one of your favorite stories, whether it be a client horror story, or a recognition moment that made you like, I love this industry. Or I love this business so much. If you had to choose something, give us the tea.


The first one that comes to mind of embarrassing is actually something happened to me yesterday. And that's actually why I’m wearing this dress today. So I'm going to tell you a bad thing, but all bad things end up leading to good things. So, I’m highly allergic to whey protein. It's crazy my allergy. 


Which also whey protein isn't good for skin right. 


No it's not. It's actually very it contributes a lot to acne. Yeah. We don't like we don't like whey, pea protein all the way. The shake that I had said it had pea protein in it. No way. But I'm like 99% sure, 99.99% that it was  cross contaminated because I died yesterday and I thought I was not going to make it today. Then I ended up, getting better. I made myself throw up and then my manager, she's a Reiki master, ended up doing Reiki on my stomach and I felt much better. And then I went to the store to go run an errand, and I totally s*** myself. And then I had to go find a new outfit walking around Express with poop pants. Everyone kept coming up to me asking if I needed help, but like, no, stay away. You're like, no, I'm fine.


They're like, are you from Instagram? You're like, no, that's not me. That's not me. Honestly, it's happened to the best of us. And props for Reiki because it's magical. 


I ended up coming back and I told my manager what happened to me, and she's like, “Holly, I'm so sorry. That's like a thing with Reiki.” She's said that’s a thing with Reiki. It's you. Especially if you have tummy issues or trying to get rid of things or healing. Like your body is just like, okay, we got to get everything out. 


Your body is healing itself to me, that's what it's supposed to do. And you got an amazing outfit out of it. 


So this is the outfit that I ended up getting. In a quick pinch to try to get back to clients, and it's beautiful. I'm like, actually, it looks really cool. 


And that's a true provider. You're like, I have to get back to see my clients. Not like I need to go home and lay down. Like, my clients need me.


Yeah, because I don't know where I'm gonna put my clients if I don't finish. If I don’t see their appointment today, I will not see them for months.


How booked out are you? 


I’d say around, like, three months. 


You have to get them in, or else it's going to ruin the whole schedule. 


Yes, so I'm like, I got to do what I got to do. 


You persevered for them. That's true love right there. That's true love. If you had to give advice to your younger self – I know you touched on this, but if you had to look back and give advice to your younger self, what would it be? 


I think defining what success is, because my younger self, if she knew where I was at today, would actually be a little disappointed. And the reason why is because I thought I would have ten locations by now. I – for some reason, ever since I was younger, when I was eight, six months into it, I wanted a franchise. I don't know why. I was like this is very stressful and that still is in the back of my mind of like wanting to franchise, like, I don't know why I want to do this to myself because every day I'm like, I think I want to run away. 


I think I'm just going to change my identity and just move to a different state.


I'll just do this social media thing, but not the client thing. So I love my treatment room. But, when you're constantly solving problems, it's hard. Like it never stops as a business owner. And I think so many people listening to this podcast can relate to that.


Yeah, I can't imagine it is. It really is like a child and like a labor of love.


So I thought it was going to have ten locations, and I think I would have been sad that I don't have ten locations by now. But now, what I determine success is — being happy in your present moment. And I have so many successes that I am proud of. And earlier we talked about you're going to eventually get there. But it's just your journey may not look like how you envision it to be. I’m a control freak. I want to know like how everything is going to go. I am that helicopter mom, like, I am just, I need Xanax okay. 


But that's how you got to where you are today. That grit and determination, it's necessary. But you have, I think you are forced, especially when you are an entrepreneur, you're forced to learn to go with the flow a little bit. I mean, I can see it's made you extremely successful and now you can do so many things and have such a good life balance between work, your kids, social media, and not a lot of people could do that. So huge props.


Thank you, I am happy where I am today. I just, just wish I could tell my younger self just to be happy with your journey. Yeah, just enjoy it and be in the moment. It'll all be okay. 


Yeah, it's hard not to stress about it when you're in it. And I think so many of us will, like, look back and be like, that's like growing up — when you're young, you're like, I just want to be an adult. And then we all grow up, we're like, no, that's the best part of life is like being carefree. But that's a very it translates very well to being a business owner. I feel like just enjoy it. 


Yes, although sometimes it's hard.


I have to ask, since you're such a wealth of knowledge, and you have so many good different key pieces of information on skin and products. I know you have really good product recommendations and some stuff that you brought with you today. I would love to hear about it. 


Yes! So, I have one of my first products ever. This is my Olympia Boho Cleansing Balm–


I love a cleansing balm. 


We love her right? She's going to melt into your skin. She's going to remove all your makeup and she's also going to help your blackheads along the way. Yeah. Super clean. Smells like a dreamsicle. And that’s the first thing you’re going to think of tonight, because you're going to get one. 


Ooh, I'm so excited! 


Yeah, you’re just going to be engulfed in like, heaven of orange and vanilla and it's all essential oils. And it has comfrey and yarrow root to help calm your skin down. It's really great, 


I love that. I think that's so, double cleansing is one of those things that, like a physician or dermatologist, won't ever recommend. They're like, no, you need salicylic. You need all these harsh chemicals that can strip your skin barrier. So it's like we have all these acne patients and you see it day in and day out. They do all of these really harsh chemicals, products. And really they might just need like a double cleanse to really clean off their SPF in their makeup and all of that gunk. And that can help their skin clear up


Let not forget to talk about compromise barrier. And how that happens SO much. 


Yes, it’s a huge problem. I've been a victim of it.


Oh no, I feel like we always think more is better, but that's not always the case. So this balm is really great for helping to repair the barrier as well. And for my SU’s out there. It's actually a beautiful dermaplaning medium and it’s great for gua sha. So, I love a girl who can multitask and that’s my girl. I love that that's. I cannot wait to try it. I'm literally already obsessed. I'm already so excited. 


I love that. I cannot wait to try it. I'm literally already obsessed. I'm already so excited. Well, thank you so much for being on today. This was so much fun. I loved learning all about you and your amazing journey and everybody listening appreciates it as well.


Thank you. I hope that the listeners here got some type of golden nugget out of it. And just know that keep pursuing your dreams and your dreams will come to you. 


And if our listeners want to learn more about you, where can they find you? 


Boho Medspa. That’s my handles across my TikTok and other platforms. Asmr facials. You're going to be put to sleep and relax and learn a lot. 


We love it. Asmr facials. You're going to be put to sleep and relax and learn a lot. Amazing. Thank you so much, Holly.


Thank you

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